The Olympics

The Olympics

It has been an amazing experience ... 7th and a diploma at the Olympic Games 2016 in Rio!

What a journey! It all began 4 years ago when Mati and I decided to team up for an olympic campain. None of us had much experience on a catamaran and even less in a mixte team. We had to learn so much to be able to communicate and sail in english and then learn how to sail on a catamaran. The tactic, the strategy and the technic are so different than on a monohull. We spent quite a bit of time to learn how to rig this beast, then we spent a lot of time swimming and inventing some freestyle figures :) But at the end with the help of different coaches, with the financial support of all our sponsors and donators we could make it happen!

We qualifed for the Olympics and we gave everything we had to achieve our dream. We had a dream of a medal at the Games.. and we have never been so close. But the competition is always a hard game and this time wasn't our turn. Even though we were one of the fastest team and started with the yellow jersey after day 1 we faced some difficulites that pushed us back in the fleet. We were few points away from the medal before the Medal race and we took all the risks we could to hope for the best.. Unfortunatly it didnt pay off. At the end we came home with an Olympic Diploma, the second one for me, but we both were very very disapointed. We have never been so close to a medal and at then end we let our chance go.

It took me and us a while to be able to write these few lines but it only shows how big was our frustration . Yes it was hard.. and it is still hard. But that is the sport and the Olympics! There are only 3 spots on the podium!

Now enjoy some on the most amazing images taken during the games by @SailingEnergy and @JKaufmann
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